The Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA)

This legislation was passed on December 5, 2013, to provide a clear, proactive process to identify, prevent and remove barriers to accessibility. Removing barriers to accessibility will give Manitobans of all abilities the opportunity to:

• participate fully in everyday life
• access and benefit from a system, service, product, or environment

The legislation requires accessibility standards to be developed over the next several years. The standards will address barriers and set out requirements in five key areas of daily living. Each standard will be adopted as a regulation and will apply to common public areas where Manitobans live, work, learn and play.

1. customer service standard
2. information and communication
3. transportation
4. employment
5. built environment

All government agencies (public sector) must develop an Accessibility Plan to address accessibility barriers in policies, practices, and procedures. The goal is to ensure Manitobans of all abilities have full access to programs and services designed to meet the public’s needs.

For more information on the act, see