Accessibility Survey
The Accessibility for Manitobans Act, became law in Manitoba in December 2013, applies to all public organizations that provide goods and services, including the Town of The Pas. The goal of the Act is to make Manitoba more accessible for people disabled by barriers.
The Town of The Pas provides many services to our residents. Sooner or later, everyone will try to make use of some particular service. Sometimes things go well and sometimes things do not go well. When they do not go well, we may have experienced a barrier that creates a disability.
Your responses to the survey below will help identify and remove barriers people experience when accessing our services. Your responses are confidential, and you will not be identified in any way.
In answering this survey, think of a time when you were trying to access a Town of The Pas service and you had some difficulty doing so. To assist you with answering some of these questions please keep in mind that some barriers to service may include: