Purple Day 2025

Purple Day
March 26, 2025

Purple Day is celebrated on March 26 annually, during Epilepsy Awareness
Month, to increase the knowledge and understanding of epilepsy that will
improve the quality of life of people living with epilepsy; and

Purple Day was founded in 2008 by Cassidy Megan, a nine-year-old girl
from Nova Scotia, who wanted people living with epilepsy to know that
they were not alone; and

People in communities around the world are encouraged to wear purple
and host events in support of epilepsy awareness on Purple Day;
There are over 20,000 people in Manitoba, over 380,000 people in
Canada, and over 65 million people worldwide living with epilepsy; and
The onset of epilepsy can occur at any age and stage of life and does not
discriminate against age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic
status, geographic location, or sexual orientation; and

Purple Day is a health promotion effort that encourages people to raise
awareness of epilepsy to create a society that embraces the beauty of difference
and understands how we can all come together to make the world a better

I, Andre Murphy, Mayor of the Town of The Pas, do hereby proclaim the 26th day
of March, 2025 as "Purple Day" in the Town of The Pas, and encourage citizens
to wear purple and host events in support of epilepsy awareness.