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Property Taxes

The Town of The Pas levies taxes in order to provide services to the community. The Town collects taxes on behalf of provincial schools and also on behalf of Kelsey School Division.

Tax notices are sent out in June/July of each year and are due on August 31st of each year. Taxes paid in August cover a period from January to December of that year.

There is a 1.25% per month penalty added to taxes that are not paid by August 31st.

Town of The Pas Residential Mill Rate Comparison

General Municipal Levy37.16035.92635.39633.660
Local Improvement Levy2.3322.5662.5662.580
Total Municipal Levies39.49238.49637.96236.240
School Levy

Kelsey Local No, 74514.41314.85014.94015.000
Total Mill Rate53.90553.3550.33651.240

Provincial School Tax8.148.7208.8098.830
Commercial Mill Rate Comparisons62.04562.06661.71160.070


Mill Rate

– 1 Mill increase = $201,390

How property taxes are calculated

  • property taxes are calculated by multiplying  the portioned assessed property value by the mill rate
  • the mill rate is the tax rate; 1 mill = 1 tenth of 1 cent, or $1 per thousand dollars of assessed property value
  • assessed property value is the market value of property determined by the Provincial Assessment Branch based on prevailing local real estate market conditions
  • portioned assessment value is then determined by multiplying the assessed value by a rate of 45% for residential property and 65% for commercial property

Property tax calculation – 2022 (using example of $200,000 assessed value)

Residential: (assessed value $200,000)/1,000 x 45% x 53.905 = $4,851

Commercial: (assessed value $200,000)/1000 x 65% x 59.496 = $8,066